Cue Care

Cue Care

Cue Care:

Here are some essential guidelines for taking care of your cue:

Avoid Temperature Extremes: Do not leave your cue in a hot place like a car, as extreme temperatures can warp the timber. The same applies to extreme cold conditions.

Clean Joints and Ferrules: Ensure that the joints and ferrule are clean, as dirt in these areas can result in unwanted noises during play.

Tip Maintenance: Burnish the side of your tip and keep it in good condition. It's a good practice to check your cue a few weeks before an event to ensure it's in optimal playing condition.

Sighting Your Cue: For accurate assessment, it's recommended to sight down your cue like a gun barrel. This method provides better visibility than simply rolling it on a table.

Storing Your Cue:

To maintain the straightness of your cue, consider using a rubber hanger when you're back home. This helps reduce the weight on the shaft and has proven to be more effective than other methods.

Cue cases may not always hold the cue securely, and they can contain moisture, especially in hot or cold conditions.

Oiling Your Cue:

Over time, all cues may require oiling to maintain a certain level of moisture, typically around 8-10%. You can use a digital moisture gauge to check your cue's moisture level.

Various oils are available, and many cue companies produce their blends. Some common options include Liberon finishing oil, boiled linseed oil, or linseed oil. Standard linseed oil can become sticky in certain humid conditions.

Here's how to properly oil your cue:

Sand the cue down with 240-grit sandpaper, or preferably, 400-600 wet and dry sandpaper.

Use 000 Steel wool between coats of oil.

Apply coats of oil until the cue becomes tacky and stops drying.

At this point, rub it back with a cloth until all tackiness is gone, and your cue should remain in good condition for 12 months or longer.

A cue that hasn't been oiled may exhibit visible signs of the grain opening.

Tip Maintenance:

There are two main types of tips: pressed tips and laminated tips. Both require different tools and care.

To ensure an even bed-in of the tip:

After installing, trimming, and shaping the tip, play shots that match your regular play style, like stuns and screws, while rotating the cue butt.

This method helps the entire tip bed in evenly and condense the leather, preventing it from collapsing when reshaped.


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